Our annual festival

Our autumn festival weekend brings people together from all over the country to share experiences, explore creativity, develop ideas about how the arts can be used in worship, and to worship together.

Our magazine

Our members magazine, entitled simply ArtServe, enables members to share ideas and experiences, and provides encouragement and advice.

Our newsletter

Anyone can sign up to receive our email newsletter, and anyone can use it to share news of UK events celebrating or encouraging Christian creativity. As well as six regular issues each year we send occasional emails about ArtServe's own events.

Other events

As well as our annual festival we organise regionally-based events that provide opportunities to meet other Christian creatives, to practise creative skills and learn new ones. We also occasionally offer online workshops, which are free of charge to members; these usually relate to a particular craft skill.

ArtServe awards

ArtServe awards recognise contributions made to the life of the church through the arts. They can be for long service, for a special occasion, or for someone who has used the arts to encourage others to develop their faith.

Our Facebook page

Our public Facebook Page features topics of interest to members and non-members alike – be sure to like or follow us!

ArtServe Fellowship

ArtServe Fellowship, our private Facebook group, enables members to meet and greet online, share ideas and experiences, and support each other.

Online chat

Members can meet informally on the 14th of each month at 4.30 pm (or if the 14th is a Sunday, on Monday 15th at 7.30 pm). The Zoom link is published in the ArtServe Fellowship members Facebook group, or members can request an invitation by emailing .

Freeman Trust grants

The Freeman (Methodist) Music Trust exists primarily to provide financial support to young people for tuition that helps them to contribute to music in worship. However, applications from adults are not excluded. The Trust also may also provide grants towards the repair of instruments in Methodist churches.