
The dramatic death and resurrection of Jesus is the heart of the Christian gospel. The tradition of the Easter passion play as a community performance staged in the public spaces of a town has seen a welcome revival. But smaller scale use of dance and drama can draw people into the story. Nativity plays need no introduction, but increasingly we are seeing alternative ways of interpreting or presenting the story.


A drama for the Easter season

Drama can be a way of introducing an all-age congregation to the exciting period between Easter morning and the Ascension. This little drama gives the person leading the service to involve quite a number of members of the congregation as there are lots of small parts.

A humorous musical loosely based on the story of the birth of Jesus Christ

by Rob Newton & Matt Clements

Nativity Now is the nativity story brought right up to date. Modern, catchy tunes and everyday language, and set in your town centre. It has been written so that, with the exception of Mary and Joseph, none of the parts are for a specific age or gender. There are no long, difficult speeches for lead roles to learn and witty ad-libbing should be welcomed.


In recent years passion plays have broken the mould with really innovative and challenging presentations capturing the public imagination.

There is now even a network for publicizing and sharing experience of them, with some free resources, run by The Passion Trust.