ArtServe is a membership organisation. We invite you to join us, whether you are an arts practitioner, or whether you are simply interested in what we do and want to support us.

Should I join ArtServe?

We think you should consider joining ArtServe if you answer can yes to any of these questions:

  • Do you have an interest in using creative arts in worship – for example as a preacher or worship leader?
  • Are you a musician, artist, actor, dancer or writer who uses your talents in worship? – or would like to?
  • Do you have a passion for worship arts, even though you may not be a practioner?
  • Could you contribute your expertise to help ArtServe?
  • Do you exhibit, perform or lead workshops?

Join ArtServe

Our special offer for new members gives you up to a year's free membership. Join now, and your initial subscription lasts until 31 August 2026.

When you join, we will send you the current year's issues of ArtServe magazine (while stocks last).


Magazine cover

What are the benefits?

As a member of ArtServe:

  • You receive our magazine
  • You have access to the members area of the website, including all past issues of the magazine
  • You can join our Facebook members group
  • You will receive our email newsletter.

More importantly you will be contributing to the fellowship and support of those who use their artistic gifts to enrich worship, and reach out to those who may not yet know Christ.

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How much does it cost?

ArtServe's annual subscription is £25.00. Our special offer for new members gives you up to a year's free membership regardless of when you join (our normal subscription year runs from 1 September to 31 August).

For more information please see subscription FAQs.

ArtServe is a company limited by guarantee. In the unlikely event of ArtServe being wound up with outstanding debts its members would be liable for £1.00 each.

Paying by direct bank transfer

We regret that the online membership form is currently unavailable. Please preview the membership form and email the relevant information to .

There is no need to print and complete the form unless you are paying by cheque.

Please make sure that we can identify your payment. Optionally, email and ask for a membership reference to quote with your payment; this is particularly important if you are setting up a regular payment (standing order).

ArtServe's bank details (opens in a new window)

Paying by card

You can pay by debit or credit card via PayPal – or from your PayPal account if you have one. PayPal opens in a new browser tab.

Type of payment

Paying by cheque

To pay by cheque please download a membership form. If you would like to set up a standing order then please download a standing order form as well.

These forms can be printed on behalf of anyone who doesn't have internet access. If you have any difficulty reproducing the forms please email .