Acting out one or two parables at a church event is quite common. Weaving dozens of parables into a lively 70 minute show is something quite different. ArtServe member Roger Price of Coventry who wrote the show Parables - holy tales with a twist has generously made the script freely available and is now offering workshops to help churches use it in mission.
The show works by linking parables into a continuous story. With a bit of artistic licence, the prodigal son gets mugged on his journey home, and is helped by a Samaritan to get to an inn, where the hostess has lost one of her special coins ... and so on until all the characters wind up at the great feast - to which everyone is invited.
Grants from his Methodist circuit and district enabled Roger to tour the show with professional theatre group Three in One Productions, between 2007 and 2010, for use by churches as an outreach event. The street theatre style of that production enabled the parables to be presented in a non threatening manner, accessible to Christians and non Christians alike.One newspaper review described it as "pithy, earthy stories to intrigue, challenge and give hope.
The team that created Parables is now embarking on the next stage of the project. They would like to help churches create their own version of the show. Through a day long workshop the team will introduce the material and encourage thinking about to present the show to suit the local situation. It can be done with as few as 5 performers and a narrator or a larger cast if it is available. The really scary option would be to climax the workshop with a presentation that evening! This could be a springboard to a more polished production that might be used for outreach.
There is no charge for the workshop or for any amateur performance presented as a result.
Photos, and the full script, can be found at along with Roger's contact details. Parables is part of Roger Price's long term Voices project to dramatise Bible stories.