This article by Yvonne Coppock introduces the effective use of posters by churches.
Posters can be used in many different ways. Outside the church, the poster attracts attention and stimulates interest, or advertises what's going on. Inside, it can inform or inspire.
Surprisingly, hand made posters are often more effective than those made on the computer. A bold splash of paint or a 3D collage, bright torn-paper letters or the rough texture of wallpaper will catch the eye simply because they look different. The other good thing about making your own is the enjoyment of working together, experimenting and trying out different methods to achieve the effect you want.
Posters need to be changed frequently in order to be noticed, but it's hard for one person to produce a regular supply. Getting a group together ensures variety as well as fun.
If you like the idea but don't feel confident about it, why not invite Posters Plus to come and run a poster workshop in your church to get you started?
A recent workshop held at Hayes Methodist Church attracted people from as far afield as Oxford. Two sessions were held on a Saturday in November, with the theme of Unwrapping God's Gift (in the sense both of God's gift of Jesus and the talents we have been given).
Posters around the walls demonstrated different methods and styles, and participants could choose from a variety of materials. By the end of the day, 20 or so posters had been produced, friendships established and much enthusiasm generated.
To find out more about poster-making visit the Posters Plus website.
The book Prepare the Way with Posters will give you all the information you need to start making posters or to form a poster group in your church. It's available price £8.99 (including post & packing) from: Posters Plus, 7 Belvedere Drive, St Saviour, Jersey, JE2 7RN, or phone 01534 737171.