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What? a performance?
"Music in worship should be an offering and not a performance?” This music-making activity led by Damian Boddy takes the ‘not’ out of that, as we offer our best as performers, through liturgical settings and devotional music, and preparing music for Sunday’s worship.
Songs of today for worship
Rob Newton will run through the host of new material by contemporary writers in Singing the Faith and offered on Singing the Faith Plus. A chance for a good sing and those who wish may bring their guitars and play along.
Speaking of God ... What language can we use?
In this writing workshop, Andrew Pratt asks whether today we can use words about hierarchy or power. How can we engender awe and wonder in worship? What language can we use that is evocative, yet not banal?
Bringing puppets to life
Suzanne and Chris Pearson and the Happy People Puppet Team involve you in using puppets effectively for communicating the gospel, teaching puppetry basics, showing different types of puppets and how to use them.
Doing audio visuals for worship well
Screens can enhance worship or distract us. Everything on screen must be correct and appropriate. Rob Newton looked at using available technology well, leading to using the equipment for the rest of the weekend.
Making a splash
In this practical workshop Mary Hayman and Claire Watts introduced shared painting to worship. Together we created inspiring work which was displayed in Sunday’s worship.
Moving into worship
Morag Stolton asked: "Are you ready to be challenged to express your emotions and interpret words and music with new movement?"