This hymn, by Andrew Pratt, was written immediately following the announcement of the death of Osama bin Laden.
This hymn can be used freely locally. Please include in your CCL returns.
We cannot gloat: a time for grief,
another mother's son is dead,
and if that son has killed and maimed,
it is the better least is said;
but let us mourn for all the loss,
within the shadow of the cross.
We mourn for victims we have loved,
and for the orphans yet unborn;
for those for whom a searing pain
greets this and every rising dawn,
and then we bow our heads and pray
that peace might drench the world today.
And to that end we pledge our lives,
our words, our actions and our deeds,
as following the Prince of Peace,
we'll work for peace till peace succeeds
in breaking every barrier down,
that love may be our goal and crown.
Andrew Pratt 02/05/2011
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