This Easter Hymn by Andrew Pratt is available for free local use with acknowledgment. Many more of Andrew Pratt's hymns are available at twelve baskets.



Was it the shaking ground that moved
the stone, that freed the resting Word,
that called the Christ to life again:
God's Spirit, breathing, moved and stirred?

Whatever cause, we may not know,
but Mary heard a calming voice,
that turned her life around again,
that gave her reason to rejoice.

The world still spinning, recollects
that God survived all human scorn;
that lives were changed for ever more
in meeting love alive, re-born.

This is the Voice that turns us round,
that calmly offers grace to cope;
that gives us strength to live again,
that gives us cause to sing our hope.

© Andrew Pratt 01/04/2011