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Inspiration and resources for leaders of worship. Individuals and Christian publishers contribute to the worshipping community. A joint project from LWPT and twelvebaskets.
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Magnet magazine was originally the main resource of the Women's Network of the Methodist Church, but has grown to provide resources and interest for all Christian people.
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LWPT is an ecumenical charity for preachers and leaders of worship.
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ACG is a non-denominational organisation which brings together Christians who work professionally in the arts. It supports artists in integrating faith, life and artistic endeavour.
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The Fellowship of United Methodists in Music and Worship Arts. ArtServe's sister organisation in the USA. Originally supporting musicians, it has grown to include other worship arts.
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Spain's first Christian Art and Spirituality Retreat Centre is a beautifully restored two hundred year old Andalusian hacienda (farm house), set in twenty acres of stunning national park.
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Run the Revd Dr Mike Bossingham, FFCT exists to help churches become more open and attractive to children, young people and families.
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ROOTS has published worship and learning materials since 2002. A unique and comprehensive ecumencial web-based resource package is linked to a magazine subscription.
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Encouraging new forms of church for a fast changing world, working with Christians from a variety of traditions. The initiative has resulted in hundreds of new congregations.
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Our mission is to create spaces, like festivals, of faith, hope and love, where people discover themselves through art and leave to do justice.
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The MediaNet is a network that supports, encourages and inspires Christians who work in, and with, the UK media.
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The photographs on this CTE page are copyright free if churches and charities wish to use them. Acknowledgement is appreciated but not required.
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The Sanctuary is a house of prayer and worship, and creative resourcing centre, with a particular emphasis on poverty, justice and intercession. Resources are freely available.
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Contemporary prayers and liturgies influenced by the early Celtic Church, written by John Birch. Most resources are free to use.
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SIAC seeks to bring together artists of many nationalities and backgrounds to share experiences and grow in mutual understanding. It is open to creative artists of all disciplines.
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A charity run by Christian writers for Christian writers that seeks to encourage, inspire and equip its members, and to support them in their craft in an ever-changing UK culture.
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Part of the Department of Theology at King’s College London, ASK is a centre for research, teaching and public education in relation to the role of religion in the arts, and vice versa.
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Creative ideas to help parents and children's church leaders take children deeper with God!
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Taking its name from an essay by C.S. Lewis, Transpositions is the official online forum for the Institute for Theology, Imagination and the Arts in the University of St Andrews. It aims to bring the conversation of theology and the arts to a broader audience.
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This blog is designed to encourage the creative arts in telling God’s story, to showcase creativity in the Rochester Diocese and further afield, and to enable communities everywhere to connect with their creative side.
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Poems, music, and performance pieces by Godfrey Rust. Most are available for non-commercial use free of charge under the terms of the Creative Commons BY-NC-ND licence.
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The Christian Arts Trust was set up in 1981 by Ronald Mann, with the support of a few financiers, to provide opportunities for artists with Christian faith to develop new ideas and projects. The ‘seed corn’ grants that CAT make available enable artists to see the genesis of an idea take flesh.
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NBS International is a US-based organisation with an international membership. It is an ecumenical, deeply caring, inclusive, openly welcoming community of pastors, Christian educators, storytellers and laity.