I wrote this hymn at a retreat in Southwell as these were the thoughts running through my head. I think it has turned out to be a useful text to help us to show the love of Jesus in all its ways.

Help me to love you, Lord;
To step back from the world;
The noisy clamour, restless minds,
That keep me from your word.

Help me to love you more.
To hold back from the ties
That bind me to that busy world;
That deafen out the cries.

Help me to show your love
To those I love and know;
That by the influence of my life
Your Church on earth may grow.

Help us to love you more;
To cast our cares on you;
And help us when we suffer most,
Recall you suffered too

Help us, O Lord, to show
Your grace so free for all;
To those we love and those we can’t
Because that is our call.

© Jo Kay, Southwell, 2010
Suggested tunes: SOUTHWELL (DAMON) and SANDYS